مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱Performance study of Ni, Co, and Mo catalysts supported on gamma-Al2O3 and HZSM5 in HDS reactions of mixed naphthaمهدی کریمی بروجنی,عبداله ایران خواهInternational Journal of Energy Research2021-08-30
۲Performance study of Ni, Co, and Mo catalysts supported on gamma-Al2O3 and HZSM5 in HDS reactions of mixed naphthaمهدی کریمی بروجنی,عبداله ایران خواهInternational Journal of Energy Research2021-08-30
۳Electrophoretic coating for steam methane micro‐reformer: Optimum voltage and time, channel design, and substrate typeحسین محمدنظامی,عبداله ایران خواهInternational Journal of Energy Research2021-05-13
۴Electrophoretic coating for steam methane micro‐reformer: Optimum voltage and time, channel design, and substrate typeحسین محمدنظامی,عبداله ایران خواهInternational Journal of Energy Research2021-05-13
۵Electrophoretic coating for steam methane micro‐reformer: Optimum voltage and time, channel design, and substrate typeحسین محمدنظامی,عبداله ایران خواهInternational Journal of Energy Research2021-05-13
۶Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity of Ni/CeMnO2 catalysts promoted by copper, cobalt, potassium and iron for ethanol steam reformingسهیلا سهرابی,عبداله ایران خواهINT J HYDROGEN ENERG2021-04-06
۷Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity of Ni/CeMnO2 catalysts promoted by copper, cobalt, potassium and iron for ethanol steam reformingسهیلا سهرابی,عبداله ایران خواهINT J HYDROGEN ENERG2021-04-06
۸Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity of Ni/CeMnO2 catalysts promoted by copper, cobalt, potassium and iron for ethanol steam reformingسهیلا سهرابی,عبداله ایران خواهINT J HYDROGEN ENERG2021-04-06
۹Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity of Ni/CeMnO2 catalysts promoted by copper, cobalt, potassium and iron for ethanol steam reformingسهیلا سهرابی,عبداله ایران خواهINT J HYDROGEN ENERG2021-04-06
۱۰Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity of Ni/CeMnO2 catalysts promoted by copper, cobalt, potassium and iron for ethanol steam reformingسهیلا سهرابی,عبداله ایران خواهINT J HYDROGEN ENERG2021-04-06
۱۱Cu, Mg and Co effect on nickel-ceria supported catalysts for ethanol steam reforming reactionزهرا نیازی,عبداله ایران خواه,Yuan Wang,Hamidreza ArandiyanINT J HYDROGEN ENERG2020-09-21
۱۲Cu, Mg and Co effect on nickel-ceria supported catalysts for ethanol steam reforming reactionزهرا نیازی,عبداله ایران خواه,Yuan Wang,Hamidreza ArandiyanINT J HYDROGEN ENERG2020-09-21
۱۳Effect of MgAl2O4 catalyst support synthesis method on the catalytic activity of nickel Nano catalyst in reverse water gas shift reactionعطیه رنجبر,سید فواد آقامیری,عبداله ایران خواهIranian Journal of Chemical Engineering (IJChE)2020-08-22
۱۴Effect of MgAl2O4 catalyst support synthesis method on the catalytic activity of nickel Nano catalyst in reverse water gas shift reactionعطیه رنجبر,سید فواد آقامیری,عبداله ایران خواهIranian Journal of Chemical Engineering (IJChE)2020-08-22
۱۵CFD Simulation of Methane Steam Micro-Reformer: Channel Design and Inlet/Outlet Configurationحسین محمدنظامی,عبداله ایران خواهIranian Journal of Chemical Engineering (IJChE)2019-10-01
۱۶CFD Simulation of Methane Steam Micro-Reformer: Channel Design and Inlet/Outlet Configurationحسین محمدنظامی,عبداله ایران خواهIranian Journal of Chemical Engineering (IJChE)2019-10-01
۱۷Catalytic activity of rare earth and alkali metal promoted (Ce, La, Mg, K) Ni/Al2O3 nanocatalysts in reverse water gas shift reactionعطیه رنجبر,عبداله ایران خواه,سید فواد آقامیریRES CHEM INTERMEDIAT2019-06-20
۱۸Catalytic activity of rare earth and alkali metal promoted (Ce, La, Mg, K) Ni/Al2O3 nanocatalysts in reverse water gas shift reactionعطیه رنجبر,عبداله ایران خواه,سید فواد آقامیریRES CHEM INTERMEDIAT2019-06-20
۱۹Catalytic characteristics of CexCu1-xO1. 9 catalysts formed by solid state method for MTS and OMTS reactionsیگانه داودبیگی,عبداله ایران خواهINT J HYDROGEN ENERG2019-05-24
۲۰Nanostructured Ce-Cu Mixed Oxide Synthesized by Solid State Reaction for Medium Temperature Shift Reaction: Optimization using Response Surface Methodیگانه داودبیگی,عبداله ایران خواهINT J HYDROGEN ENERG2018-12-06
نمایش ۱ تا ۲۰ مورد از کل ۶۱ مورد.