A comparative study on the effects of high-fat diet and endurance training on the PGC-1a-FNDC5/irisin pathway in obese and nonobese male C57BL/6 mice

نویسندگانFatemeh Kazeminasab, Sayed Mohammad Marandi, Kamran Ghaedi, Zahra Safaeinejad, Fahimeh Esfarjani, Mohammad Hossein Nasr-Esfahani
شماره صفحات651
شماره مجلد43
ضریب تاثیر (IF)ثبت نشده
نوع مقالهFull Paper
تاریخ انتشار2018-01-24
رتبه نشریهعلمی - پژوهشی
نوع نشریهالکترونیکی
کشور محل چاپایران
نمایه نشریهSCOPUS ,PubMed ,JCR

چکیده مقاله

The present study was performed to clarify how a combined exercise/diet treatment could affect the expression level of the muscle fibronectin type III domain containing 5 (Fndc5) with respect to body fat mass. Male C57BL/6 mice were divided into 2 groups including low-fat (LF) and high-fat (HF) diets for 12 weeks. Then, LF fed (nonobese) and HF fed mice (obese) were divided into the following 4 groups: HF-Exercise, HF-Sedentary, LF-Exercise, and LF-Sedentary. The exercise group exercised on a motor-driven treadmill for 45 min/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks. Mice were sacrificed 24 h after the final exercise session. Gastrocnemius muscle and the visceral adipose tissue were excised and frozen for the assessment of proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1 alpha (Pgc-1) and Fndc5 messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein levels. Data indicated that protein level of muscle PGC-1 was decreased in HF versus LF groups and in obese versus nonobese mice. Moreover, Fndc5 mRNA levels were increased in the muscle tissue of HF versus LF groups and in obese versus nonobese mice. Also, in the gastrocnemius skeletal muscle, protein levels of FNDC5 were significantly higher in the HF fed mice, as compared with their low-fat fed counterparts, similar to what was observed for exercised versus sedentary mice. Overall, we found that the HF diet increased Fndc5 transcript levels in the skeletal muscle, but exercise had a minimal effect on the transcript level of Fndc5, whereas endurance training increased the protein content of FNDC5 in the skeletal muscle.

tags: endurance training, Fndc5, high-fat diet, irisin, obesity.