Papers in Journals

#Paper TitleAuthorsJournalPublished At
41Scheduling of printed circuit board (PCB) assembly systems with heterogeneous processors using simulation-based intelligent optimization methodsامیر نوروزی-هادی مختاریNEURAL COMPUT APPL2015-5-01
42A Bi-Objective Approach for Design of an Assembly Line Re-Balancing System: Mathematical Model and Differential Evolution Algorithmsهادی مختاری-اشکان مزدگیرInternational Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research2015-3-01
43A Reliability based Modelling and Optimization of an Integrated Production and Preventive Maintenance Activities in Flowshop Scheduling Problemهادی مختاری-امیر نوروزی-صابر ملاعلیزاده زواردهیInternational Journal of Engineering2015-12-01
44A mixed integer linear programming formulation for a multi-stage, multi-Product, multi-vehicle aggregate production-distribution planning problemهادی مختاریJournal of Industrial Engineering and Management Studies2015-12-01
45A Particle Swarm Optimization Approach to Joint Location and Scheduling Decisions in a Flexible Job Shop Environmentحمید دلیری-هادی مختاری-عیسی نخعی کمال آبادیInternational Journal of Engineering2015-12-01
46A nature inspired intelligent water drops evolutionary algorithm for parallel processor scheduling with rejectionهادی مختاریAPPL SOFT COMPUT2015-1-01
47تحلیل اینترنت اشیاء با رویکرد مدل ساختاری تفسیری و تحلیل محتوا در زنجیره تأمینامین مسعود بخشی موحد,محمد تقی رضوان,هادی مختاریمدیریت فردا۱۴۰۲/۱۲/۱۰
48Research on group search optimizers for a reconfigurable flow shop sequencing problemهادی مختاریNEURAL COMPUT APPL0-0-01
49A Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Controllable Processing Times to Optimize Total Cost of Delay and Processingهادی مختاری-مهرداد دادگرInternational Journal of Supply and Operations Management0-0-01
50An efficient chaotic based PSO for earliness/tardiness optimization in a batch processing flow shop scheduling problemهادی مختاری-امیر نوروزیJ INTELL MANUF0-0-01
51A Computational Approach to Economic Production Quantity Model for Perishable Products with Backordering Shortage and Stock-Dependent Demandهادی مختاری-علی نعیمی صدیق-علی سلماس نیاSCI IRAN0-0-01
52hybrid advertising media selection model using AHP and fuzzy-based GA decision makingH Tadrisi Javan, A. Khanlari, A, Motamedi, H. MokhtariNEURAL COMPUT APPL0-0-01
53A Multi-Objective Optimization for Brush Monofilament Tufting Process DesignAli Salmasnia, Saeid Hasan Nejad, Hadi MokhtariJournal of Computational Design and Engineering0-0-01
54Joint Ordering and Reuse Policy for Reusable Items Inventory Management[10] H. MokhtariSustainable Production and Consumption21-05-2018
55A multi-objective optimization approach for green and resilient supply chain network design: a real-life Case StudyHasani, A., H. Mokhtari, & Fattahi, M.Journal of Cleaner Production2021-01-18
56A Statistical Analysis and Simulation based Approach to an Uncertain Supplier Selection Problem with Discount OptionA. Salmasnia, H. Daliri, A. Ghorbanian and H. MokhtariInternational Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management2020-12-09
57A New Production-Inventory Planning Model for Joint Growing and Deteriorating ItemsH. Mokhtari, Salmasnia, A., & Asadkhani, J.International Journal of Supply and Operations Management2020-12-05
58Application of simulated annealing for optimization of blasting costs due to air overpressure constraints in open-pit mines[4] Bakhshandeh Amnieh, H., Hakimiyan Bidgoli, M., Mokhtari, H., & Aghajani Bazzazi, A.Journal of Mining and Environment2020-11-05
59Extended economic production quantity models with preventive maintenance[3] H. Mokhtari and J Asadkhani.Scientia Iranica2020-08-18
60Redesign Strategies of a Comprehensive Robust Relief Network for Disaster ManagementA. Hasani and H. Mokhtari,Socio-Economic Planning Sciences2020-06-17
Showing 41-60 of 67 items.