مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۲۱Solving nonlinear fractional partial differential equations using the homotopy analysis methodمهدی دهقان,جلیل منافیان,عباس سعادتمندیNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations2010-03-01
۲۲A new operational matrix for solving fractional-order differential equationsعباس سعادتمندی,مهدی دهقانComputers and Mathematics with Applications2010-02-01
۲۳Numerical solution of hyperbolic telegraph equation using the Chebyshev tau methodعباس سعادتمندی,مهدی دهقانNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations2010-01-01
۲۴Variational iteration method for solving a generalized pantograph equationعباس سعادتمندی,مهدی دهقانComputers and Mathematics with Applications2009-12-01
۲۵Variational iteration method for solving the wave equation subject to an integral conservation conditionمهدی دهقان,عباس سعادتمندیChaos, Solitons and Fractals2009-08-15
۲۶Application of He’s homotopy perturbation method for non-linear system of second-order boundary value problemsعباس سعادتمندی,مهدی دهقان,علی افتخاریNonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications2009-06-01
۲۷Numerical solution of a mathematical model for capillary formation in tumor angiogenesis via the tau methodعباس سعادتمندی,مهدی دهقانCommunications in numerical methods in engineering2008-11-01
۲۸Numerical solution of a mathematical model for capillary formation in tumor angiogenesis via the tau methodعباس سعادتمندی,مهدی دهقانCommunications in numerical methods in engineering2008-11-01
۲۹The numerical solution of problems in calculus of variation using Chebyshev finite difference methodعباس سعادتمندی,مهدی دهقانPhysics Letters A2008-06-25
۳۰The numerical solution of a nonlinear system of second-order boundary value problems using the sinc-collocation methodمهدی دهقان,عباس سعادتمندیMathematical and Computer Modelling2007-12-01
۳۱Chebyshev finite difference method for a nonlinear system of second-order boundary value problemsعباس سعادتمندی,جلال عسگری فرسنگیApplied Mathematics and Computation2007-09-15
۳۲The numerical solution of third‐order boundary value problems using Sinc‐collocation methodعباس سعادتمندی,محسن رزاقیCommunications in numerical methods in engineering2007-07-01
۳۳Numerical solution of the one‐dimensional wave equation with an integral conditionعباس سعادتمندی,مهدی دهقانNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations2007-03-01
۳۴A tau method for the one-dimensional parabolic inverse problem subject to temperature overspecificationمهدی دهقان,عباس سعادتمندیComputers and Mathematics with Applications2006-09-01
۳۵A new Bernstein-reproducing kernel method for solving forced Duffing equations with integral boundary conditionsاعظم قاسمی نصرابادی,عباس سعادتمندیComputational Methods for Differential Equations0000-00-00
۳۶A new operational matrix based on Müntz–Legendre polynomials for solving distributed order fractional differential equationsM. Pourbabaee, A. SaadatmandiMathematics and Computers in Simulation2022
۳۷The construction of a new operational matrix of the distributed-order fractional derivative using Chebyshev polynomials and its applicationsM. Pourbabaee, A. SaadatmandiInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics2021
۳۸Numerical Solution of Time Fractional Cable Equation via the Sinc-Bernoulli Collocation MethodN. Moshtaghi, A. SaadatmandiJournal of Applied and Computational Mechanics2021
۳۹DE Sinc-collocation method for solving a class of second-order nonlinear BVPsA. Eftekhari, A. SaadatmandiMathematics Interdisciplinary Research2021
۴۰Polynomial–Sinc collocation method combined with the Legendre–Gauss quadrature rule for numerical solution of distributed order fractional differential equations,N. Moshtaghi, A. SaadatmandiRevista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas2021
نمایش ۲۱ تا ۴۰ مورد از کل ۶۱ مورد.