Analysis of linear vibration in rotary turning of AISI ۴۱۴۰ steel

نویسندگانسعید امینی-محسن آقائی-محمد لطفی-عماد حکیمی
تاریخ انتشار۲۰۱۷-۴-۰۱
نوع نشریهالکترونیکی
نمایه نشریهISI

چکیده مقاله

In this study, influe nce of added l inear vibration of cutt ing tool on the p erform ance of rotary t urning o f A ISI 41 40 st eel is inv esti gat ed. E xp er imen tal t est s a r e ca rrie d out at different cutting a nd tool rotary spee ds by using s pe -cial equipment for ultrasonic assisted rotary turning. The results of surface roughness, cutting force, and tool wear obtained during vibrat ory-rotary cutting a re compar ed by the values of c onventional a nd rotary turning. At the end, it is shown t ha t lower di splacement of workpiece in the r adial di rec tion , dec r ea se of to ol rak e ang l e, a nd pr odu cin g cool ing cycle during disengagement time in vibration c ut-ting ca use lower wear distribution along the c ircumference of cutting tool. As a consequenc e t o that, a s ignifica nt re-duct ion i n s urface roughness a nd cutting f orce is observed compared to the convent ional a nd rotary turning. Besides, effect of variations in tool rotary and cutting s peeds o n output parameters are evaluated.