Papers in Conferences

#Paper TitleAuthorsConference TitleHolding Date of Conference
1بررسی مقایسه¬ای مبانی نظری و عملی معنویت دینی با معنویت¬های نوظهور٬٬مرتضی امامیدومین همایش «معنویت های نوظهور و معنویت اسلامی؛ مقایسه و نسبت سنجی»2024-02-09 - 2024-02-09
2A Comparative Study of Fathers and Mothers on Theoretical and Practical Rationality from the Viewpoint of the QuranMorteza Emami2th national conference on the status and the role of mother2017-03-04
3The role of epistemic predictions in different approaches of mothers to lifeMorteza Emami2th national conference on the status and the role of mother2017-03-04
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.