List of Articles in Conferences

Showing 1,441-1,460 of 3,054 items.
Paper TitleConference TitleEvent PlaceAuthors
A Hierarchical Principle of an Important Principle of Islamic-Iranian Urbanism in the Revival of Worn and Historical Textures, National Conference on Historical and Worn Urban Textures, Kashan, 2.7.National Conference on Historical and Worn Urban Contexts, Kashan, 2.7Younes Gholami,
Implementation of Islamic Architecture and Principles of Passive Defense in Historical Contexts,.National Conference on Historical and Worn Urban Contexts, Kashan, 2.7Yones Gholami,
, A Comparative Comparison of Development and Sustainability Theories with the Islamic-Iranian Model of Progress., Fourth Iranian Islamic Model of Progress 2 Conference, Tehran, IranRasool Heidari Sorshjani, Yones Gholami
The Economic Role of the Aqueduct in the Development of Urban Green Space Uses A Case Study of the Gonabad Caspian Aqueduct, National Conference on Low-Water Landscapes / Kashan, Kashan, 2.8Yones Gholami,
The Economic Role of the Aqueduct in the Development of Urban Green Space Uses A Case Study of the Gonabad Caspian Aqueduct., National Conference on Low-Water Landscapes / Kashan, Kashan, 2.8Yones Gholami,
Analysis of Tourist Attractions in the Desert of Omrani for Regional DevelopmentTorbat-e-HeydariyehYones Gholami, Masoud Rasouli,
Spatial Analysis of Human Settlements Based on Non-Agent Defense Principles in the Case of the East of the Country, Second Conference on Prospects for the Development of the Torbat-e-Heydariyeh Area 2, ,Torbat-e-HeydariyehYones Gholami, Masoud Rasouli,
Tourism in Warm Areas, Future Tourism of the World, National Conference on Iranian Architecture and Indigenous Urban Development, Yazd, 2.7.National Conference on Iranian Architecture and Indigenous Urban Development, YazdYones Gholami, Seyed Ali Mousavi
Settlement in Iranian-Islamic Housing,National Conference on Iranian Architecture and Indigenous Urban Development, YazdYones Gholami, Seyed Ali Mousavi
New Year's Approach to Innovation and High Performance Management, Second National Conference on Tourism and Sustainable Development, Yasuj, 2.7., Second National Conference on Sustainable Tourism and Development, Yasuj, 2.7Yones Gholami, Nastaran Khalaji,
Investigating and Contributing to Sustainable Development., Second National Conference on Sustainable Tourism and Development, Yasuj, 2.7Yones Gholami, Safoura Shahmoradi
Potential of Pedestrian Modeling and Intelligent Growth in Central Context of Shahrekord, First International Conference on Urban Economics, Tehran, 2.8., National Conference on Middle TissueRasool Heidari Sourshajani, Younes Gholami, Heshmatollah Sadeghi Neal Kanani,
Creative City, A New Strategy in the Reconstitution of the Middle Tissue of Cities, National Conference on Middle Tissue, Isfahan, 2.7., National Conference on Middle TissueYones Gholami, Rasool Heidari Sorshjani, Maryam Koravand
A New Approach to Middle Tissue Reconstruction., National Conference on Middle TissueMasoumeh Jahani, Yones Gholami,
onceptualization of Urban Tissues with Emphasis on Middle Tissue., National Conference on Middle Tissue, Isfahan, 2Yones Gholami, Zahra Salimi, Marzieh Bakhshadeh, Maryam Koravand
رویکرد جدید برای افزایش دقت اندازه گیری چرخش فارادی در روغن های اسانسدومین کنفرانس بین‌المللی فناوری‌های نوین در علوم1 - آملمژگان جمشیدیان نجف ابادی,مهرداد مرادی کاونانی,رضا دهقانی بیدگلی
بررسی تاثیر تنش شوری بر روی فرآیند جوانه زنی چهارگونه بابونهاولین همایش ملی تغذیه و مسائل زیست محیطی گیاهان دارویی و معطر1 - ارومیهرضا دهقانی بیدگلی
طیف‌سنجی رامان: روشی کار‌آمد برای تشخیص برخی ترکیبات اسانس‌های گیاهیکنفرانس فیزیک ایران1 - تبریزمژگان جمشیدیان نجف ابادی,مهرداد مرادی کاونانی,رضا دهقانی بیدگلی
Investigating the Performance of Satellite Images Processing Methods for Recognition of Alteration Zones in Nagisan Area, Kerman7th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference & 5th International Mine and Mining Industies CongressTehranMaliheh Abbaszadeh
Investigating the Performance of Satellite Images Processing Methods for Recognition of Alteration Zones in Nagisan Area, Kerman7th Iranian Mining Engineering Conference & 5th International Mine and Mining Industies CongressTehranMaliheh Abbaszadeh