The Authentic Layout of the Main Avenue of Fin Garden in Kashan

نویسندگانHamidreza Jayhani - Maryam Rezaeipour
نشریهStudia Iranica
شماره صفحات89-126
شماره مجلد45
نوع مقالهFull Paper
تاریخ انتشار2016
رتبه نشریهISI
نوع نشریهچاپی
کشور محل چاپایران
نمایه نشریهSCOPUS

چکیده مقاله

Study of the current planting plan for the cypress trees and borders of the plots in the main avenue of Fin Garden reveals some irregularities. These irregularities occurred during the Qajar dynasty period and some later repairs. In this article, the irregularities are identified and a proposal for the restoration of the authentic layout of the garden will be arrived at by relying upon the ages of the trees and their location in the garden and on certain specific plots. The results reveal a meaningful difference between the authentic layout of the main avenue and its current condition as well as the plan drawn up by Donald Wilber.