Synthesis and characterization of AgO nanostructures by precipitation method and its photocatalyst application

نویسندگانعلی سبحانی نسب-محسن بهپور
تاریخ انتشار۲۰۱۵-۱۰-۰۱
نوع نشریهالکترونیکی
نمایه نشریهISI ,SCOPUS

چکیده مقاله

In thi s rese arch, a precipita tion method was used in order to synt hesize AgO nanostru ctures with the aid of silver nitrate as the starting reag ent in an aqueou s solutio n. To examin e the effect of dif ferent surf actants such as glucose, sodi um dodecy l benze ne sulfonat e, sodium dodecy l sulfate, and cet yltrimethy lamm onium bromid e on the morphol ogy and particle size of final products sever al tests were performed. The structura l, morphol ogical, and optical propert ies of as-o btained produc ts were charact er-ized by techniques such as Fo urier transf orm infrared spectro scopy, X-ray diffraction, scann ing elect ron micro-scopy, and ultraviolet –visible spectro scopy. Furthermor e, the hystere sis loop measur ed at room temperat ure show s a ferrom agnetic behavior of the AgO nanostru ctures. To evaluat e the cat alytic p roperties of nanocryst alline silver oxide (AgO), the photo catal ytic degradat ion of rhodamine-B under visibl e light irradi ation was carrie d out.