Papers in Journals

#Paper TitleAuthorsJournalPublished At
21. Razavi's Revelations: A Brief and Appropriate Script for Mathnavireza rouhaniIran namehSpring and Summer 2009
22. The Grounds and Motives of the Prophet's Alliances in Mathnavireza rouhaniMysticism StudiesSpring and Summer 2008
23The Factors and Motives of Interpretation and Spiritual Interpretation of Texts in Mathnavireza rouhaniMysticism StudiesSpring and Summer 2007
24The narrative ghazal and its origin in Persian poetryreza rouhani-Ahmad Reza MansouriLanguage and Literature ResearchSpring and Summer 2007
25Structural Analysis of Ghazal " KUCHEHAE korasaan" by Qaisar Aminpourreza rouhaniLiterary ResearchSpring 2014
26Introduction of Sepehr Kashani and his poetic featuresreza rouhaniKashan ShenakhtSpring 1998
27Good work but not forever (review of the Book of Quran and Mathnawi - from Baha'uddin Khoramshahireza rouhaniLiterature and PhilosophySeptember 2004
28Reviewing and introducing the Divan of Hafiz to the efforts of Seyyed Mohammad Rastgoureza rouhaniketaab e mah e adabyaat(The Book of the Month of Literature)May 2014
29. Types and Dimensions of Light in Mathnavi (Common with elham e arabshahireza rouhani-elham e arabshahiTextual Criticism of Persian LiteratureForty-Seventh-Fall 2011
30Problem of writing and singularity in the spelling of Persian compositionsreza rouhaniGohar GoyaFall 2010
31Silence and Rupture in the Rumi State with an Emphasis on the Phenomenology of the Principles of Asfar Arbiareza rouhani- Hamid Reza KarimiPajooheshname erfan) Mysticism )Autumn and winter; 2019-2020
32A Critical Look to Correct and Explain the New Testament of Naser Khosrow's Courtreza rouhaniIran Shenakhtautumn and winter 2002
33. Types of customs in the Divan of Shams and analysis of its motivesreza rouhani- batool e Fallahliterary researchautumn 2013
34Interpretation and its types in Mathnavireza rouhaniLiterary ResearchAutumn 2005
35Allegory and Comparison of Death and Sleep in Masnavireza rouhaniKashan Literary Faculty JournalAutumn 2000
36BOOK REVIEW: "Principles and classification of literary criticism"reza rouhaniThe Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences2016
37. Review and introduction of the book Deir Moghan (from Dr. Kazzazi in the description of Hafez)reza rouhaniAyeneh-ye-Pezhoohesh2015
38Investigating and Analyzing Rumi's Mystical Approach to Ashura Eventreza rouhaniPajooheshname erfan) Mysticism )2015
39Review of two books in the Hafez Ghazalat reportreza rouhaniJournal of Research and Collegiate Literature2014
40. Difficulties in Research in Persian Rubabitesreza rouhaniKashan Shenakht2009
Showing 21-40 of 47 items.