مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۶۱Influence of flexoelectric, small-scale, surface and residual stress on the nonlinear vibration of sigmoid, exponential and power-law FG Timoshenko nano-beamsM. Arefi, M. Pourjamshidian, A. Ghorbanpour Arani, Timon RabczukJournal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control2019-03-01
۶۲Aeroelastic analysis of cantilever non-symmetric FG sandwich plates under yawed supersonic flowM. Hosseini, A. Ghorbanpour Arani, M.R. Karamizadeh, H. Afshari, S. NiknejadWIND STRUCT2019-09-27
۶۳Wave propagation behavior of coupled viscoelastic FG-CNTRPC micro plates subjected to electro-magnetic fields surrounded by orthotropic visco-Pasternak foundationM. Jamali, A. Ghorbanpour Arani, M. Mosayyebi, R. Kolahchi, R. tarkesh esfahaniMICROSYST TECHNOL2016-12-01
۶۴Dynamic stability of modified strain gradient theory sinusoidal viscoelastic piezoelectric polymeric functionally graded single-walled carbon nanotubes reinforced nanocomposite plate considering surface stress and agglomeration effects under hydro-thermoeM. Mohammadimehr, B. Rousta Navi, A. Ghorbanpour AraniMECH ADV MATER STRUC2016-9-01
۶۵Dynamic stability of MSGT sinusoidal viscoelastic piezoelectric polymeric FG-SWNT reinforced nanocomposite plate considering surface stress and agglomeration effects under hydro-thermo-electro-magneto-mechanical loadingsM. Mohammadimehr, B. Rousta Navi, A. Ghorbanpour AraniMECH ADV MATER STRUC0-0-01
۶۶Analysis of sequential ultrasound frames for the measurement of hemodynamic stresses, critical bent buckling pressure, and critical buckling torque of human common carotid atherosclerosisM. Rafaati, A. Zali, A. Ghorbanpour Arani, M. SehhatiCLIN BIOMECH2021-05-27
۶۷Transient responses of two mutually interacting single-walled boron nitride nanotubes induced by a moving nanoparticleM.A. Roudbari, T. Doroudgar Jorshari, A. Ghorbanpour Arani, C. Lü, T. RabczukEUR J MECH A-SOLID2020-02-24
۶۸Investigation of thermal and magnetic field effects on the dynamic instability of FG Timoshenko nanobeam employing nonlocal strain gradient theoryM.H. Jalaei, A. Ghorbanpour Arani, ,H.Nguyen-XuanINT J MECH SCI2019-07-23
۶۹On the dynamic stability of viscoelastic graphene sheetsM.H. Jalaei, A. GhorbanpourArani, H.TourangINT J ENG SCI2018-11-11
۷۰On the dynamic stability of viscoelastic graphene sheetsM.H. Jalaei, A. GhorbanpourArani, H.TourangINT J ENG SCI2018-08-04
۷۱On aeroelastic stability of a piezo-MRE sandwich plate in supersonic airflowT. Soleymani, A. Ghorbanpour AraniCOMPOS STRUCT2019-12-15
۷۲Aeroelastic Analysis of Composite Sandwich Rectangular Plates with Auxetic Honeycomb Core: Free Vibration and Instability Investigationاحسان ایل بک,علی قربانپور,زهرا خدامی مرقی,احسان ممنونArabian Journal for Science and Engineering2024-11-29
۷۳2D-Magnetic Field and Biaxiall In-Plane Pre-Load Effects on the Vibration of Double Bonded Orthotropic Graphene Sheetsامیر حسین قربان پور-سید محمد جواد معبودی نوش آبادی-علی قربانپور-سعید امیر2013-6-01
۷۴Refined Plate Theory for Critical Buckling Analysis of FG Sandwich Nanoplates Considering Neutral Surface Concept and Piezoelectric Surface Effectsامیرحسین سلطان ارانی,علی قربانپور,زهرا خدامی مرقیJournal of Solid Mechanics (JSM)2024-09-24
۷۵Size-dependent buckling analysis of functionally graded nanoplate coupled with piezoelectric layers resting on orthotropic foundation based on surface piezo-elasticity theoryامیرحسین سلطان ارانی,علی قربانپور,زهرا خدامی مرقیZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik2024-10-25
۷۶Nonlocal quasi-3d vibration/ analysis of three-layer nanoplate surrounded by Orthotropic Visco-Pasternak foundation by considering surface effects and neutral surface conceptامیرحسین سلطان ارانی,علی قربانپور,زهرا خدامی مرقیMechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines2024-05-17
۷۷Size-Dependent Buckling Analysis of Three-Layered Nano-Plate on Orthotropic Foundation Using Surface Theoryامیرحسین سلطان ارانی,علی قربانپور,زهرا خدامی مرقیJ solid mech2024-08-15
۷۸Nonlocal elastic medium modeling for vibration analysis of asymmetric conveyed-fluid Y-shaped single-walled carbon nanotube considering viscothermal effectsامیرحسین قربان پور-عباس راستگو-محمدشریف زارعی-علی قربانپور-الهام حق پرست2015-6-01
۷۹Wave propagation of coupled double-DWBNNTs conveying fluid-systems using different nonlocal surface piezoelasticity theoriesامیرحسین قربانپور آرانی-عباس راستگو-علی حفیظی بیدگلی-رضا کلاه چی-علی قربانپورMECH ADV MATER STRUC2016-9-01
۸۰Vibration Analysis of Carotid Arteries Conveying Non- Newtonian Blood Flow Surrounding by Tissuesامیرحسین قربانپور آرانی-عباس راستگو-علی قربانپور-رضا کلاه چی2016-8-01
نمایش ۶۱ تا ۸۰ مورد از کل ۳۲۰ مورد.