List of Articles in Publications

Showing 8,961-8,980 of 8,985 items.
Article TitlePublication NameAuthors
A Mathematical Boundary Integral Equation Analysis of Standard Viscoelastic Solid PolymersComputational Mathematics and ModelingH. Ashrafi M. Farid
A new approach to fabricating magnetic multilayer nanowires by modifying the ac pulse electrodeposition in a single bathSURF COAT TECHعبد العلی رمضانی-مریم غفاری-محمد الماسی کاشی-فریبا خیری شلمزاری-فرناز اقبال جهرمی
A new approach to fabricating magnetic multilayer nanowires by modifying the ac pulse electrodeposition in a single bathj phys D: appl physعبد العلی رمضانی-مریم غفاری-محمد الماسی کاشی-فریبا خیری شلمزاری-فرناز اقبال جهرمی
Non-Dissociative Gas Adsorption with Different Chemisorption Geometries on Nanoporous SurfacesJ. NanostructureH. Bashiri, S. Eris
A New Theoretical Study of Desorption Kinetics at Solid/Solution Interface by Statistical Rate TheoryPhys. ChemHadis Bashiri
Kinetics of Catalytic Oxidation of Benzoin to Benzil by Alumina Supported Active MnO 2KINET CATAL+Azizian, S., Eftekhari-Bafrooei, A., Bashiri, H.
Derivation of Azizian–Volkov (AV)-isotherm based on statistical thermodynamicsCOLLOID SURFACE AAzizian, S., Bashiri, H., Volkov, A.G.
A new solution of Langmuir kinetic model for dissociative adsorption on solid surfacesCHEM PHYS LETTHadis Bashiri
Adsorption of methyl violet onto granular activated carbon: Equilibrium, kinetics and modelingCHEM ENG JAzizian, S., Haerifar, M., Bashiri, H.
Theoretical Study of Fractal-Like Kinetics of AdsorptionADSORPT SCI TECHNOLBashiri, H., Shajari, A.
Reversal modes in FeCoNi nanowire arrays: Correlation between magnetostatic interactions and nanowires lengthJ MAGN MAGN MATERسمیرا سامانی فر-محمد الماسی کاشی-عبد العلی رمضانی-مصطفی علیخانی
Reversal modes in FeCoNi nanowire arrays: Correlation between magnetostatic interactions and nanowires lengthJ MAGN MAGN MATERسمیرا سامانی فر-محمد الماسی کاشی-عبد العلی رمضانی-مصطفی علیخانی
A New Isotherm for Multisite Occupancy Adsorption of Binary Gaseous MixturesLANGMUIRAzizian, S., Bashiri, H.
Description of Desorption Kinetics at the Solid/Solution Interface Based on the Statistical Rate TheoryLANGMUIRAzizian, S., Bashiri, H.
Adsorption Kinetics at the Solid/Solution Interface: Statistical Rate Theory at Initial Times of Adsorption and Close to EquilibriumLANGMUIRAzizian, S., Bashiri, H.
Desorption Kinetics at the Solid/Solution Interface: A Theoretical Description by Statistical Rate Theory for Close-to-Equilibrium SystemsJ PHYS CHEM CHadis Bashiri
Fabrication of single crystalline, uniaxial single domain Co nanowire arrays with high coercivitySURF COAT TECHعبد العلی رمضانی-محمد الماسی کاشی-امیرحسن منتظر
Fabrication of single crystalline, uniaxial single domain Co nanowire arrays with high coercivityj appl physعبد العلی رمضانی-محمد الماسی کاشی-امیرحسن منتظر
Statistical Rate Theory Approach to Kinetics of Competitive Adsorption at the Solid/ Solution InterfaceJ PHYS CHEM CAzizian, S., Bashiri, H., Iloukhani, H.
Scheduling of printed circuit board (PCB) assembly systems with heterogeneous processors using simulation-based intelligent optimization methodsNEURAL COMPUT APPLامیر نوروزی-هادی مختاری