List of Articles in Publications

Showing 9,001-9,020 of 9,245 items.
Article TitlePublication NameAuthors
Features of Ecological Architecture of Iran Deserts (Using the Teachings of Traditional Architecture)International Research Journal of Environmental Science -Current World EnvironmentJavad Divandari, Mansureh Tahbaz, Mohammadreza Hatamian, Mostafa Azad
Finite Element Simulation of Selective Laser Melting process considering Optical Penetration Depth of laser in powder bedMaterials and DesignAli Foroozmehr, Mohsen Badrossamay, Ehsan Foroozmehr, Sa’id Golabi
Impact of Salinity Stress on Photochemical Efficiency of Photosystem II, Chlorophyll Content and Nutrient Elements of Nitere bush (Nitraria schoberi L.) PlantsJournal of Rangeland Science (JRS)Ranjbar A., Reza D.
بررسی اثرات شوری بر روی پارامترهای رشئ و کارایی مقاومت به شوری در گیاه قره داغفصلنامه مهندسی منابع طبیعیمجید قربانی، ابو الفضل رنجبرفردوئی، فاطمه پناهی
Market-based mechanism for multi-area power exchange management in a multiple electricity marketIET Generation, Transmission & DistributionAli Karimi, Hossein Seifi, Mohammad Kazem Sheikh-El-Eslami
Diffuse solar radiation on a horizontal surface: Reviewing and categorizing the empirical modelsRENEW SUST ENERG REVحسین خراسانی زاده-کسرا محمدی
Effects of properties variations of Al2O3–EG–water nanofluid on natural convection heat transfer in a two-dimensional enclosure: Enhancement or deterioration?HEAT MASS TRANSFERحسین خراسانی زاده-محمد مهدی فخاری-سید پیام غفاری
Day of the year based prediction of horizontal global solar radiation by a neural network auto-regressive modelTHEOR APPL CLIMATOLعبداله گانی-کسری محمدی -شهاب الدین شمشیربند-حسین خراسانی زاده-امیرسید دانش-جمشید پیری-زرینی ایسمیل-مزدک زمانی
A survey on the structure and context of PsalmsInternational Journal of Psychology and Behavioral ResearchHossein Heidari ,Marzieh Darvishi, Mahmood Atharizadeh
Analysis of magnetic field effects on distributed heat sources in a nanofluid-filled enclosure by natural convectionJournal of Applied Fluid MechanicsAli Akbar Abbasian Arani, Alireza Aghaei, Farzad Abedi
Acceleration of an Electron Inside the Circular and Elliptical Waveguides by Microwave RadiationIEEE T PLASMA SCIA. Abdoli-Arani-B. Jazi -B. Shokri
Dielectric tensor elements for the description of waves in rotating inhomogeneous magnetized plasma spheroidsWAVE RANDOM COMPLEXA. Abdoli-Arani- R.Ramezani-Arani
Scattering from an elliptical cylindrical plasma for electromagnetic waves with wavelength much greater than the dimensions of the plasma cross-sectionWAVE RANDOM COMPLEXA. Abdoli-Arani- R.Ramezani-Arani-B.Jazi -S.Golharani
About excitation of surface plasma waves by elliptical relativistic electron beam in a magnetized dusty plasma column with elliptical cross sectionPHYS PLASMASA. Abdoli-Arani-B.Jazi
About Cherenkov and Cyclotron Wave Excitations by Elliptical Relativistic Modulated Electron Beam in a Cylindrical Plasma Column With Elliptical Cross SectionIEEE T PLASMA SCIB.Jazi -A. Abdoli-Arani
Influence of Thermal and Collisional Effects on the Dielectric Permittivity Tensor in a Multi Layer Plasma Waveguide With Elliptical Cross SectionIEEE T PLASMA SCIB. Jazi-A. R. Niknam - A. Abdoli-Arani
The dielectric tensor and field equations in the inhomogeneous cold collisionless magnetized drift plasmas with elliptical cross sectionsPHYS LETT AB. Jazi-A. Abdoli-Arani- Z. Rahmani- R. Ramezani-Arani- M. Monemzadeh
Theoretical calculation of the dielectric tensor and field equations in columns with elliptical cross-sections including inhomogeneous magnetized cold collisionless drift and rotating plasmasWAVE RANDOM COMPLEXA. Abdoli-Arani
Propagation of electromagnetic waves in elliptical waveguides made of materials with anisotropic Hermitian dielectric tensorsWAVE RANDOM COMPLEXB. Jazi- A. Abdoli-Arani-Z. Rahmani-M. Monemzadeh- R. Ramezani-Arani
A new description based on modified Airy function for interference in moving magnetized plasma slabsWAVE RANDOM COMPLEXB. Jazi-A. Abdoli-Arani-Z. Rahmani