List of Articles in Publications

Showing 8,981-8,985 of 8,985 items.
Article TitlePublication NameAuthors
Electro-magneto-thermo-mechanical Behaviors of a Radially Polarized FGPM Thick Hollow SphereJournal of Solid MechanicsAli Ghorbanpour Arani, Javad Jafari Fesharaki, M Mohammadimehr, Sa'id Golabi
Scheduling optimization of a stochastic flexible job-shop system with time-varying machine failure rateCOMPUT OPER RESهادی مختاری-مهرداد دادگر
A nature inspired intelligent water drops evolutionary algorithm for parallel processor scheduling with rejectionAPPL SOFT COMPUTهادی مختاری
Some asymptotic stationary point theorems in topological spacesTopology and its ApplicationsM. Fakhar, Z. Soltani, J. Zafarani
Three-dimensional stress and free vibration analyses of functionally graded plates with circular holes by the use of the graded finite element methodJournal of Applied Mechanics and Technical PhysicsK. Asemi, H. Ashrafi, M. Shariyat