مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۲۱Rotating sandwich cylindrical shells with an FGM core and two FGPM layers: free vibration analysisR. KARROUBI, M. IRANI-RAHAGHIApplied Mathematics and Mechanics2019
۲۲Solving nonlinear optimal path tracking problem using a new closed loop direct–indirect optimization method: application on mechanical manipulatorsM. Irani Rahaghi and F. BaratRobotica2019
۲۳Dynamic stability and nonlinear vibration of rotating sandwich cylindrical shell with considering FG core integrated with sensor and actuatorR Rostami, M Irani Rahaghi, M MohammadimehrSteel and Composite Structures2019
۲۴Free Vibration Analysis of Sandwich Cylindrical Shells with Functionally Graded Core and Sensor and Actuator Piezoelectric LayersR. Karroubi and M. Irani RahaghiTabriz Journal of Mechanical Engineering2018
۲۵Whirling analysis of multi-span multi-stepped rotating shaftsHassan Afshari Mohsen Irani RahaghiJournal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering2018
۲۶Recursive approximate solution to time-varying matrix differential Riccati equation: linear and nonlinear systemsSaeed Rafee Nekoo & Mohsen Irani RahaghiInternational Journal of Systems Science2018
۲۷Maximum load of flexible joint manipulators using nonlinear controllersA. Korayem, M. Irani, H. Babaei, M.H. KorayemRobotica2017
۲۸Development of beam modal function for free vibration analysis of FML circular cylindrical shellsMasood Mohandes, Ahmad Reza Ghasemi, Mohsen Irani-Rahagi, Keivan Torabi, Fathollah Taheri-BehroozJournal of Vibration and Control2017
۲۹Optimization of Bearing Location for Multi-Stepped Rotor by Genetic AlgorithmH. Mesforoosh, M. Irani Rahaghi, S. Golabi,Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics2016
۳۰Longitudinal-Torsional and Two Plane Transverse Vibrations of a Composite Timoshenko RotorM Irani Rahagi, A Mohebbi, H AfshariJ Solid Mech2016
۳۱Free vibration analysis of functionally graded laminated sandwich cylindrical shells integrated with piezoelectric layerMohammad Arefi, R Karroubi, M Irani-RahaghiApplied Mathematics and Mechanics2016
۳۲Robot-Borne PLC-Based Control System Used for Lower Limbs RehabilitationMohammad Hosein Kardan, Mohsen Irani RahaghiModares Mechanical Engineering2015
۳۳Free whirling analysis of multi-step Timoshenko rotor with multiple bearing using DQEMHassan Afshari, Mohsen Irani, Keivan TorabiModares Mechanical Engineering2014
۳۴Application of Stereo Vision on Determination of End-Effector Position and Orientation of ManipulatorsA. Korayem, M. Irani, A. Hashemi, M. H. Korayem,Journal of Control Engineering and Technology2014
۳۵Maximum allowable load of mobile manipulator in the presence of obstacle using non-linear open and closed loop optimal controlMH Korayem, V Azimirad, M Irani RahagiArabian Journal for Science and Engineering2014
۳۶New optimization method to solve motion planning of dynamic systems: application on mechanical manipulatorsMH Korayem, M IraniMultibody System Dynamics2014
۳۷Application of Stereo Vision and ARM Processor for Motion ControlMoharam Habibnejad Korayem, Michal Irani and Saeed Rafee NekooJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc/ Interdisciplinary Mechatronics2013
۳۸Trajectory planning of mobile manipulators using dynamic programming approachMH Korayem, M Irani, A Charesaz, AH Korayem, A HashemiRobotica2013
۳۹Motion Control and Dynamic Load Carrying Capacity of Mobile Robot via Nonlinear Optimal FeedbackMH Korayem, M Irani, S Rafee NekooAMAE Int. J. on Manufacturing and Material Science2011
۴۰Load maximization of flexible joint mechanical manipulator using nonlinear optimal controllerMH Korayem, M Irani, S Rafee NekooActa Astronautica2011
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