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عنوانعنوان نشریهنویسندگان
The Response of a Rotating Magnetized Cold Plasma Spheroid in the Presence of a Long-Wavelength Electromagnetic WaveIEEE T PLASMA SCIY. Ahmadizadeh,-B. Jazi - A. Abdoli-Arani
The Response of a Rotating Magnetized Cold Plasma Spheroid in the Presence of a Long-Wavelength Electromagnetic WaveIEEE T PLASMA SCIیداله احمدیزاده تورزنی-بهرام جزی-عباس عبدلی آرانی
The Effect of Modified Couple Stress Theory on Buckling and Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Double-Layer Boron Nitride Piezoelectric Plate Based on CPTمهدی محمدی مهر-مسعود مهندس
Theoretical investigation of resonance frequencies in long wavelength electromagnetic wave scattering process from plasma prolate and oblate spheroids placed in a dielectric layerWAVE RANDOM COMPLEXY. Ahmadizadeh,-B. Jazi - A. Abdoli-Arani
Theoretical investigation of resonance frequencies in long wavelength electromagnetic wave scattering process from plasma prolate and oblate spheroids placed in a dielectric layerWAVE RANDOM COMPLEXیدال احمدیزاده تورزنی-بهرام جزی-عباس عبدلی آرانی
Analysis of long wavelength electromagnetic scattering by a magnetized cold plasma prolate spheroidWAVE RANDOM COMPLEXY. Ahmadizadeh,-B. Jazi - A. Abdoli-Arani
Analysis of long wavelength electromagnetic scattering by a magnetized cold plasma prolate spheroidWAVE RANDOM COMPLEXیداله احمدیزاده تورزنی-بهرام جزی-عباس عبدلی آرانی
Generalized permittivity tensor for the description of waves in general relativistic plasma around a Schwarzschild black holeJ PLASMA PHYSR.Ramezani-Arani -A. Abdoli-Arani-H.Shokrgozar-Arani
Investigation of plasma waves propagation around traversible wormhole’s throatWAVE RANDOM COMPLEXR.Ramezani-Arani-A.R.Mirzaee -A. Abdoli-Arani
Dispersion Relation of TM Mode Electromagnetic Waves in the Rippled-Wall Elliptical Plasma and Dielectric Waveguide in Presence of Elliptical Annular Electron BeamIEEE T PLASMA SCIA. Abdoli-Arani
Acceleration and Deflection of an Electron Inside the Circular Sectoral Plasma WaveguidesIEEE T PLASMA SCIA. Abdoli-Arani
Influence of ponderomotive force on the microwave and plasma interaction in an elliptical waveguidePHYS PLASMASA. Abdoli-Arani
Optical properties of the electromagnetic waves propagating in an elliptical cylinder multilayer structureCHINESE PHYS BA. Abdoli-Arani
Modification of density profile at interaction of three superposing fundamental modes with plasma in a cylindrical waveguideWAVE RANDOM COMPLEXA. Abdoli-Arani
The effect of ponderomotive force on the density in the interaction of two superposing fundamental modes with plasma in an elliptical waveguidePLASMA SOURCES SCI TA. Abdoli-Arani
ابزار ارتعاشی التراسونیک یک‌بعدی و دوبعدیسعید امینی-محمدرضا خسروجردی-مهدی محمدی مهر
ابزار ارتعاشی التراسونیک یک‌بعدی و دوبعدیسعید امینی-محمدرضا خسروجردی-مهدی محمدی مهر
Vibration analysis of viscoelastic tapered micro-rod based on strain gradient theory resting on visco-pasternak foundation using DQMJ MECH SCI TECHNOLمهدی محمدی مهر-احمدعلی منجمی گیلانی-مهدی مرادی
Bending and buckling analysis of functionally graded mindlin nano-plate model based on strain gradient elasticity theoryمهدی محمدی مهر-محمد سالمی
Biaxial Buckling and Bending of Smart Nanocomposite Plate Reinforced by CNTs using Extended Mixture Rule Approachمهدی محمدی مهر-برهان روستاناوی-علی قربانپور