Papers in Journals

#Paper TitleAuthorsJournalPublished At
1Reconstruction of singular second-order differential equations from spectral characteristicsSeyfollah MosazadehActa Mathematica Applicatae Sinica, English Series23-07-2019
2Spectral properties and a Parseval’s equality in the singular case for q-Dirac problemSeyfollah MosazadehAdvances in Difference Equations2019-12-19
3Asymptotic solutions and eigenvalues of second-order differential equations with poles and turning pointsAbdolali Neamaty and Seyfollah MosazadehAppl. Math. Sci2009
4On the stability of the solution of the inverse problem for Dirac operatorSeyfollah Mosazadeh and Hikmet KoyunbakanApplied Mathematics LettersNovember 2019
5The stability of the solution of an inverse spectral problem with a singularitySeyfollah MosazadehBull. Iranian Math. Soc2015
6Inverse and expansion problems with boundary conditions rationally dependent on the eigenparameterSeyfollah Mosazadeh and Aliasghar Jodayree AkbarfamBulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society06-06-2019
7On the canonical solution of Sturm-Liouville problem with singularity and turning point of even orderAbdolali Neamaty and Seyfollah MosazadehCanadian Mathematical Bulletin2011
8Uniqueness theorem for the solution of an inverse spectral problemAbdolali Neamaty, Seyfollah Mosazadeh and Maedeh BagherzadehCaspian Journal of Mathematical sciences2012
9Inverse Sturm-Liouville problems with two supplementary discontinuous conditions on two symmetric disjoint intervalsSeyfollah MosazadehComputational Methods for Differential‎ ‎EquationsAccepted for publication
10Inverse problem for differential systems having a singularity and turning point of even or odd orderSeyfollah MosazadehHacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics2023-10-15
11Differential equations with a singularity and turning point of second orderAbdolali Neamaty, Abdolhadi Dabbaghian and Seyfollah MosazadehInt. J. Math. Anal2008
12On the numerical solution of an inverse spectral problem with a singular potentialSeyfollah Mosazadeh, Abdolali Neamaty and Maedeh BagherzadehInternational Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research2019
13Infinite product representation of solution of indefinite Sturm-Liouville problemSeyfollah MosazadehIranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry2013
14The uniqueness theorem for inverse nodal problems with a chemical potentialSeyfollah MosazadehIranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry2017-12-01
15On the Lipschitz stability of inverse nodal problem with discontinuous boundary conditions on finite intervalsSeyfollah MosazadehIranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and InformaticsAccepted for publication
16The asymptotic formula for the eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville problems with one turning point of negative orderSeyfollah Mosazadeh and Reza MajidiIranian Journal of Science & Technology, Transaction A2018
17On the canonical solution and dual equations of Sturm-Liouville problem with singularity and turning pointAbdolali Neamaty and Seyfollah MosazadehIranian Journal of Science & Technology, Transaction A2010
18Inverse problems for discrete Sturm–Liouville operator having Bessel-type potentialS. Mosazadeh and H. Koyunbakan (Kemaloglu)Journal of Difference Equations and Applications2024-05-13
19A stability result for an inverse problem with integro-differential operator on a finite intervalSeyfollah Mosazadeh and Hikmet KoyunbakanJournal of Integral Equations and Applications2019-06-11
20Inverse nodal problem for the integro-differential Dirac operator with a delay in the kernelSeyfollah MosazadehJournal of Integral Equations and Applications2022-05-01
Showing 1-20 of 30 items.