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عنوانعنوان نشریهنویسندگان
Thioether-based copper (I) Schiff base complex as a catalyst for a direct and asymmetric A3-coupling reactionTETRAHEDRON-ASYMMETRH Naeimi, M Moradian
Facile and mild synthesis of 1-substituted-1H-1,2,3,4-tetrazoles catalyzed by methanesulfonic acid under solvent-free conditionsIranian Journal of CatalysisH Naeimi, F Kiani, M Moradian
Microwave assisted chemistry: A rapid and regioselective route for direct ortho-acylation of phenols and naphthols by methanesulfonic acid as catalystARAB J CHEMH Naeimi, A Raeisi, M Moradian
Facile and efficient sonochemical synthesis of 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazole derivatives catalyzed by CuI under mild conditionsRES CHEM INTERMEDIATH Naeimi, S Dadashzadeh, M Moradian
Functionalized graphene oxide supported copper (I) complex as effective and recyclable nanocatalyst for one-pot three component synthesis of 1,2,3-triazolesAPPL ORGANOMET CHEMH Naeimi, R Shabani, M Moradian
A Practical One-Pot Electrochemical Synthesis of Pyrimido[4,5-b]indole DerivativesB CHEM SOC JPNM Shabani-Nooshabadi, M Moradian, S Dadkhah-Tehrani
Electrochemical Synthesis of Some 6-Amino-5-hydroquinone-1,3-dimethyluracil Derivatives: A Green, Simple and Efficient StrategyJ ELECTROCHEM SOCM Shabani-Nooshabadi, M Moradian, S Dadkhah-Tehrani
Zncl2@MWCNTs nanocomposite as an efficient and reusable catalyst for direct regioselective ortho C-acylation of phenolic compounds under solvent-free and microwave conditionsGREEN CHEM LETT REVH Naeimi, A Amini, M Moradian
A green approach for the electroorganic synthesis of 2‑[(4‑methyl‑2‑pyridyl)amino]‑1,4‑benzenediol derivatives in aqueous solutionJournal of The Iranian Chemical SocietyM Shabani-Nooshabadi, M Moradian, S Dadkhah-Tehrani
Rapid microwave promoted heterocyclization of primary amines with triethyl orthoformate and sodium azide using zinc sulfide nanoparticles as recyclable catalystGREEN CHEM LETT REVH Naeimi, F Kiani, M Moradian
Optimal Day-Ahead Scheduling and Operation of the Prosumer by Considering Corrective Actions Based on Very Short-Term Load ForecastingJournal of Energy Storageجمال فرجی,عباس کتابی,حامد هاشمی دزکی
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تعامل شعر باتکنیک های ساخت سفالینه های دوره اسلامی کاشانپژوهشنامه کاشان (کاشان شناخت)سیده نرگس سعادت میرقدیم,امیر حسین چیت سازیان
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شناسایی، بررسی و اندازه گیری اختلالات اسکلتی- عضلانی ناشی از قرارگیری مرمت گر و ابزار نا مناسب مرمت قالی و اصلاح فاکتورهای موثر آن در طراحی ایستگاه کاری مرمت قالی ایرانگلجامغلامرضا طوسیان شاندیز,امیر حسین چیت سازیان
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