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عنوانعنوان نشریهنویسندگان
Rheological modeling of suspensions of fibrous nanoparticles in polymeric viscoelastic mediaJ NON-NEWTON FLUIDغلامحسین صدیفیان-احمد رمضانی سعادت آبادی-رقیه رنجبری
بررسی و نقد کتاب 'مجانی الشعر العربی الحدیث ومدارسه' بر اساس زبان شناسی کاربردیپژوهش نامه انتقادی متون و برنامه های علوم انسانی، پژوهشگاه علوم انسانی و مطالعات فرهنگیمریم جلائی پیکانی
Study of adsorptive behavior of sulfonated polyacrylamide onto carbonate rock particles to enhance oil recoveryKOREAN J CHEM ENGغلامحسین صدیفیان-ریحانه داروغه گی-جمال اعلایی
Acceleration of an Electron Inside the Circular and Elliptical Waveguides by Microwave RadiationIEEE T PLASMA SCIعباس عبدلی آرانی-بهرام جزی-بابک شکری
Acceleration of an Electron Inside the Circular and Elliptical Waveguides by Microwave RadiationIEEE T PLASMA SCIA. Abdoli-Arani-B. Jazi -B. Shokri
Dielectric tensor elements for the description of waves in rotating inhomogeneous magnetized plasma spheroidsWAVE RANDOM COMPLEXA. Abdoli-Arani- R.Ramezani-Arani
Scattering from an elliptical cylindrical plasma for electromagnetic waves with wavelength much greater than the dimensions of the plasma cross-sectionWAVE RANDOM COMPLEXعباس عبدلی آرانی-رضا رمضانی آرانی-بهرام جزی-سعیده گلهرانی دارانی
Scattering from an elliptical cylindrical plasma for electromagnetic waves with wavelength much greater than the dimensions of the plasma cross-sectionWAVE RANDOM COMPLEXA. Abdoli-Arani- R.Ramezani-Arani-B.Jazi -S.Golharani
About excitation of surface plasma waves by elliptical relativistic electron beam in a magnetized dusty plasma column with elliptical cross sectionPHYS PLASMASعباس عبدلی آرانی-بهرام جزی
About excitation of surface plasma waves by elliptical relativistic electron beam in a magnetized dusty plasma column with elliptical cross sectionPHYS PLASMASA. Abdoli-Arani-B.Jazi
About Cherenkov and Cyclotron Wave Excitations by Elliptical Relativistic Modulated Electron Beam in a Cylindrical Plasma Column With Elliptical Cross SectionIEEE T PLASMA SCIB.Jazi -A. Abdoli-Arani
About Cherenkov and Cyclotron Wave Excitations by Elliptical Relativistic Modulated Electron Beam in a Cylindrical Plasma Column With Elliptical Cross SectionIEEE T PLASMA SCIبهرام جزی-عباس عبدلی آرانی
Influence of Thermal and Collisional Effects on the Dielectric Permittivity Tensor in a Multi Layer Plasma Waveguide With Elliptical Cross SectionIEEE T PLASMA SCIB. Jazi-A. R. Niknam - A. Abdoli-Arani
Influence of Thermal and Collisional Effects on the Dielectric Permittivity Tensor in a Multi Layer Plasma Waveguide With Elliptical Cross SectionIEEE T PLASMA SCIبهرام جزی-علیرضا نیکنام-عباس عبدلی آرانی
The dielectric tensor and field equations in the inhomogeneous cold collisionless magnetized drift plasmas with elliptical cross sectionsPHYS LETT Aبهرام جزی-عباس عبدلی آرانی-زینب رحمانی نوش آبادی-رضا رمضانی آرانی-مجید منعم زاده
The dielectric tensor and field equations in the inhomogeneous cold collisionless magnetized drift plasmas with elliptical cross sectionsPhysics Letters AB. Jazi , A. Abdoli-Arani, Z. Rahmani, R. Ramezani-Arani, M. Monemzadeh
The dielectric tensor and field equations in the inhomogeneous cold collisionless magnetized drift plasmas with elliptical cross sectionsPHYS LETT AB. Jazi-A. Abdoli-Arani- Z. Rahmani- R. Ramezani-Arani- M. Monemzadeh
The dielectric tensor and field equations in the inhomogeneous cold collisionless magnetized drift plasmas with elliptical cross sectionsPHYS LETT Aبهرام جزی-عباس عبدلی آرانی-زینب رحمانی نوش آبادی-رضا رمضانی آرانی-مجید منعم زاده
نقد فرمالیستی خطبه قاصعهزبان پژوهی- دانشگاه الزهراء- بهار 1394علی نجفی ایوکی، نیلوفر زریوند
Theoretical calculation of the dielectric tensor and field equations in columns with elliptical cross-sections including inhomogeneous magnetized cold collisionless drift and rotating plasmasWAVE RANDOM COMPLEXA. Abdoli-Arani