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عنوانعنوان نشریهنویسندگان
Error estimate for the numerical solution of fractional reaction-subdiffusion process based on a meshless methodJ COMPUT APPL MATHمهدی دهقان-مصطفی عباس زاده-اکبر محبی
An implicit RBF meshless approach for solving the time fractional nonlinear sine-Gordon and Klein-Gordon equationsENG ANAL BOUND ELEMمهدی دهقان-مصطفی عباس زاده-اکبر محبی
The meshless method of radial basis functions for the numerical solution of time fractional telegraph equation,INT J NUMER METHOD Hاکبر محبی-مصطفی عباس زاده-مهدی دهقان
Three-dimensional stress and free vibration analyses of functionally graded plates with circular holes by the use of the graded finite element methodJournal of Applied Mechanics and Technical PhysicsK. Asemi, H. Ashrafi, M. Shariyat