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نمایش ۴٬۱۰۱ تا ۴٬۱۲۰ مورد از کل ۱۱٬۸۴۳ مورد.
عنوانعنوان نشریهنویسندگان
Extended economic production quantity models with preventive maintenanceScientia Iranica[3] H. Mokhtari and J Asadkhani.
Application of simulated annealing for optimization of blasting costs due to air overpressure constraints in open-pit minesJournal of Mining and Environment[4] Bakhshandeh Amnieh, H., Hakimiyan Bidgoli, M., Mokhtari, H., & Aghajani Bazzazi, A.
Optimal lot size in a manufacturing system with imperfect raw materials and defective finished productsScientia Iranica[5] H. Mokhtari
A multi-objective competitive location problem under queuing frameworkInternational Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and ManagementA. Salmasnia, M. Noori and H. Mokhtari
An Integrated Relief Network Design Model under Uncertainty: A Case of IranSafety ScienceA. Hasani and H. Mokhtari,
Economic Evaluation of Investment Projects Under Uncertainty: A Probability Theory PerspectiveScientia IranicaH. Mokhtari, S Kiani, S.S. Tahmasebpoor
Joint Ordering and Reuse Policy for Reusable Items Inventory ManagementSustainable Production and Consumption[10] H. Mokhtari
A multi-objective model for cleaner production-transportation planning in manufacturing plants via fuzzy goal programmingJournal of Manufacturing Systems[19] H. Mokhtari, and A. Hasani
On the homotopy category of cotorsion flat representations of quiversMathematics Interdisciplinary ResearchHossein Eshraghi
Some homological conjectures for group ringspreprintHossein Eshraghi- Ali Hajizamani
The homotopy category of cotorsion flat modulesApplied Categorical StructuresHossein Eshraghi- Ali Hajizamani
The cylindrical column lenses and reflectors made of transverse an-isotropic plasma and dielectrics and their response to presence of plane electromagnetic wavesOPTIKسعیده گلهرانی دارانی,بهرام جزی,ابراهیم حیدری,زینب رحمانی نوش آبادی
A new active resistor and its application to a CMOS transconductorMICROELECTRON JFarzan Rezaei
A new tune-dependent multiple gated transistor linearisation techniqueJ CIRCUIT SYST COMPFarzan Rezaei
A Four-Level Switching Scheme for SAR ADCs with 87.5% Area Saving and 97.85% Energy-ReductionCIRC SYST SIGNAL PRMehdi Sotoudeh-Farzan Rezaei
Investigation of protein content and the relationship between enzymatic activity and antimicrobial effect of Iranian honey samplesIranian journal of Food Science and TechnologyMohadese Naghadian-Moghadam- Elahe Mahmoodi-Khaledi
Antibacterial activity and mechanism of action of some Iranian honeys compared to manuka honey against multidrug-resistant respiratory and urinary infectionsFood BioscienceMohadese Naghadian Moghadam- Elahe Mahmoodi Khaledi
پیش‏ بینی میزان تبخیر و تعرق پتانسیل ماهانه تحت سناریوهای RCP در دوره ‏های آتی (مطالعۀ موردی: حوضۀ آبخیز گلپایگان)اکوهیدرولوژیسیدمحمدرضا میرحسینی طبائی زواره,هدی قاسمیه,خدایار عبداللهی
Simplified Version of the METRIC Model for Estimation of Actual EvapotranspirationINT J REMOTE SENSمریم رضائی,هدی قاسمیه,خدایار عبداللهی
A comparative study on the effects of high-fat diet and endurance training on the PGC-1a-FNDC5/irisin pathway in obese and nonobese male C57BL/6 miceAPPL PHYSIOL NUTR MEFatemeh Kazeminasab, Sayed Mohammad Marandi, Kamran Ghaedi, Zahra Safaeinejad, Fahimeh Esfarjani, Mohammad Hossein Nasr-Esfahani